Year 1 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 1
This year marks the beginning of Key Stage One. The children continue to develop their independence and positive learning behaviours they have worked on during the Early Years. We work hard to ensure all our children reach their full potential.
During the Summer Term in Year One, all children will take part in the statutory Phonics Screening Check. This is a 40 word reading test which is adminstered at school on a one to one basis with Mrs O'Keeffe and Mrs Elmore. All children will practise the test throughout the year in readiness for this and your child's class teacher will report on your child's progress during the second parent's meeting in the spring term. Please see the links below for more information on the Read Write Inc Phonics Programme and the Phonics Screening Check: - What is Read Write Inc Phonics? - Understanding Phonics - How to say the sounds - The Phonics Screening Check
For the first term in Year One, our theme is ‘Childhood in the 1950's’ and will focus upon our key driver topic History, along with much more! We will explore the similarities and differences of life back in the 1950's and now. These include 1950's childhood games, clothes, houses and much more! We will even step foot in our very own sweet shop and cinema.
Literacy will involve exploring stories including ‘Lost at the Toy Musuem’, ‘Wilfrid Gordon MacDonald Partridge’ and 'Once There Were Giants.’ These texts will support us in building knowledge and skills in reading, writing, comprehension and grammar. We encourage you to share these stories with your children at home along with any others you may have that link to the topic.
In Maths Mastery we will be developing our mathematical skills and look at in-depth at number bonds to 10 and calculation strategies within numbers to 10. We will then begin working on shape and pattern towards the end of the half term. Greater depth learning will include explaining our answers in full sentences; solving word problems and investigating properties of numbers.
This half term your child will explore Christianity in R.E, learning about the celebration Harvest and having apple crumble tasting. Our Charanga Music topic is ‘Our Musical Heartbeat’, where we will learn all about finding the beat/ pulse in a song and begin learning to play the glockenspiel. In Art, our focus is on self- portraits and looking at physical features.
A typical day in Year 1 …..
8.35-9.00 Registration/ Fine Motor Skills
9.00-10.00 RWI Phonics
10.00-10.15 Maths Meeting
10.15-10.45 Year 1 Literacy
10.45-11.00 Playtime/ Snack time
11.00-11.55 Maths Mastery
11.55-12.55 Lunch time
12.55-1.00 Register
1.00-1.15 Handwriting/ Assembly
1.15-.2.00 Cornerstones Topic
2.00-2.15 Playtime
2.15-3.00 Cornerstones Topic
3.00-3.10 Story/Afternoon Phonics/ Hometime
Home Learning
Children are encouraged to read at home at least five times per week. Each week your child will be sent home with their current phonics group reading book. Along with this we encourage your children to learn the Y1 Common Exception Words, these are extremely important in supporting your child read fluently (see link below for Y1 Common Exception Words and/or stickers in your child's diary).
Each week your child will be given a Maths Activity to complete at home, this will be sent out on a Thursday and should be completed and returned by the following Monday.
In Year 1 we focus on the Playground scenario on Gooseberry Planet, each lesson includes an online workbook and game for your child to complete. Please find your child's login in their diary.
Year 1 Diary
Thursday & Friday – Year 1 P.E kits needed. Please ensure all girls’ hair is tied back and earrings removed or covered. Thank you.
Meet the team…
Mrs Elmore -Class Teacher, Music Co-ordinator and RWI Phonics Lead
Mrs Millar- Class Teacher, Design and Technology Co-ordinator and KS1 Lead
Mrs Burke- Learning Support Assisstant