Year 3 2023 - 2024


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Year 3 Transition

Year 3 starts the transition into KS2 which can be a very different experience for some children.  Children are led towards a change in curriculum expectations, as well as a change in mindset, now accessing a classroom at the opposite of the school, where the 'older' children are taught.  Year 3 children access a different playground, therefore a period of transition takes place at the beginning of the year to settle children in to their new routines. 


Children tend to flourish and mature in Year 3 which is a truly magnificent thing to encounter as a teacher.


Star of the Week

All of our children are superstars! They have been working so hard.


Each week, the teachers or pupils will choose who they feel have one or all of our core values. The children that have been chosen will wear a yellow star pupil t-shirt. Also you will find in their diary a postcard explaining why they have been chosen that week. Keep a look out on our social media pages for who has been chosen each week.



Meet the Team

Y3B - Mrs Bickerstaffe - Head of Key Stage 2, Class Teacher & RSE/PSHE & EVC Coordinator

Y3W – Mrs Wilkinson - Class Teacher & Art Coordinator

Mrs Worboys - Teaching Assistant




A Typical Day in Year 3

8:45 - Registration and Morning Maths Task (Countdown)

9:00 - 10:00 - Maths

10:00 - 10:15 - Break

10:15 - 11:15 - Novel Study

11:15 - 12:00 - Writing

12:00 -12:55 - Lunch

12:55 - Registration

1:00 - 1:15 - Assembly

1:15 - 1:30 - Maths Meeting

1:30 - 1:45 - Spellings

1:45 – 3:15 - Cornerstones (Topic) / Science

3:15 - Home Time


Please bring your P.E kits in on Monday and take them home on Friday so that you have them for the entire week. 



Year 3 E-Safety Lessons

Gooseberry Planet - Street

As we are spending more time online at home than we might normally, our online safety curriculum is as important as ever! We complete two lessons each half term. We will inform you when these have been completed so that you can log on to your child's account so they can play the reinforcing game. You will be able to print off a certificate after these.



Home Learning

In Year 3, we encourage an increased degree of independence.


Pupils are expected to read 5 times a week at home and have this signed in their diaries. This will be checked every Monday for reader leader. At the end of each half term, the children who have read 5 times (or more) every week will get a prize. At the end of the year, there will be a special surprise for children who have read 5 times (or more) every week for the whole schol year.


Pupils will be sent home with a spelling log book. The words in these are to be practiced for two weeks and signed by an adult at home. Pupils will be tested on these words every other Monday. New words to learn will be in the children's log book and diary after the test ready for the following two weeks. In addition, the children's scores will be written in their diary.


Pupils will be sent home with a Maths Homework book on a Thursday. The homework will focus on learning from the children's Maths lessons that week. This is to be completed and returned the following Monday.


Pupils will be sent home with a Reading Homework book on a Thursday. The homework will consist of a short text and questions, working on their retrieval skills. This is to be completed and returned the following Monday.



Year 3 Topics

In Year 3, the children will explore three main topics. 


Through the Ages – Autumn term 

Rocks, Relics & Rumbles – Spring term 

Emperors and Empires – Summer term



Year 3 Trips

In the Autumn term, the children will be visiting the York Birds of Prey Centre. They will have the fantastic opportunity to see, learn about and handle a variety of birds of prey. In the Spring term, the children will be taking part in a puppet making experience in school. In the Summer term, the children will be visiting Murton Park. They will be learning about the Romans and taking part in various engaging activities.

Files to Download

Year 3: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Get in Touch

Richmond Hill Primary Academy

Melton Road, Sprotbrough, Doncaster, DN57SB

01302 782421


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