Year 2 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Year 2


Information about Year 2 

This vital year marks the end of Key Stage One. The children are now encouraged to work more independently in preparation for transition into Key Stage 2.


Meet the team…

Miss Lewis - Y2L Class teacher & Director of Mathematics

Miss Russell - Y2R Class teacher & Science Lead

We are also supported by our fabulous Year 2 team; Mrs Selby & Mrs Mellins


A typical day in Year 2

8:40                 Registration and Arithmetic 

9:00 - 10:00     RWI Phonics or Novel Study

10:00 - 10:15   Maths Meeting

10:15 - 10:45   Writing (Opening Doors)

10:45 - 11:00    Playtime

11:00 – 12:00   Mathematics Mastery 

12:00 – 12:55   Lunchtime 

12:55 - 1:10      Registration / Handwriting

1:10 - 2:10        Topic Work (Geography, History, Science, PE, RE, Art, Design Technology, Music, Computing, Gooseberry, PSHE)

2:10 - 2:20        Playtime 

2:20 - 3:00        Topic Work (Geography, History, Science, PE, RE, Art, Design Technology, Music, Computing, Gooseberry, PSHE)

3:00 - 3:10        Spellings

3:15                  Home time



The children have all been tested on the Year 1 and Year 2 Common words. Please practise these weekly with your child to ensure the words become known with increasing fluency and accuracy. The word lists are attached below. 

Year 1 Common Exception Words

Year 2 Common Exception Words


Any children who still require support with their ability to decode, will continue to access phonics learning. Your child's class teacher will speak to you about this if it involves your child. 


If your child is still completing a phonics book within school, they will continue to read this book at home too.

The children who are on novel study will no longer receive a phonics book they will have access to a reading book from our class library books. Your child will bring home a book which they should be able to read easily. There shouldn't be a challenge in this book as it is their opportunity to show themselves off as a reader. They will read books at their instructional level in school with us.  The children can read other things as part of their daily read - magazines, menus, books you have at home. 

There are plenty of simple ways you can help your child with English in Year 2. 

Year 2 English

Important information to support your child's reading*

Fantastic new FREE eBook library 

Click this link to see the ebooks that are available from Oxford Owl




Please match the books to the colour of Read Write Inc book your child is currently reading

Pink, Orange Book Readers  - phase 4 books 

Yellow, Blue and Grey Book Readers - phase 5 books

Further learning opportunities can be found on the following links:-

Oak National Academy


Novel Study

Pupils who have successfully completed the RWI Phonics programme will transition in Novel Study to match pupils in KS2. 



For the FIRST time, Year 2 will transition into learning through the 'Opening Doors' curriculum to match KS2. 



In-line with all the other year groups in school, Year 2 follow the Mathematics Mastery Programme. The programme provides a progressive approach from Early Years through to Year 6.

Y2 Mathematics Programme of Study:

Maths Meetings:




Our Science topics this year are:

Autumn Term:

Spring Term:

Summer Term:


Cornerstones (Foundation subjects)

Our Cornerstones topics for this year are:

Autumn Term: 'Movers and Shakers'. This project teaches the children about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world. They will use timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people featured and use historical models to explore their significance. This topic provides significant links to the topics studied later in the year.

The children's school visit this term will be a trip to the Cast, Doncaster to see this year's pantomime to begin the first of many Christmas celebrations in school.

Spring Term: 'Coastlines'. This project teaches children about the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the coastal town of Whitby, in Yorkshire. This topic will be further enriched by an actual visit to Whitby on Wednesday 17th July - What an enjoyable way to end Key Stage 1!

Summer Term: 'Magnificent Monarchs'. This project teaches the children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they built up an understanding of the monarchs and then researched six of the most significant sovereigns. The children will experience a pre-teach day where we invite the 'History Van' in to school to introduce the idea of past monarchys and life in the past.




Year 2: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Get in Touch

Richmond Hill Primary Academy

Melton Road, Sprotbrough, Doncaster, DN57SB

01302 782421


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