Attendance and Punctuality

Attending school, on time, regularly is vital for children to achieve their potential both academically and socially and emotionally. 

Creating an environment where all pupils feel they belong and are free to achieve their best is key to supporting attendance. Some children find it harder to attend than others however, their right to education remains the same and we will work in partnership with pupils and parents to collaboratively remove any barriers to attendance.

Government guidelines are that good attendance is 96% or above. We have high attendance aspiration for all our children due to the link it has to future successes.

Children and classes with good attendance are celebrated in school. The class with the highest attendance pecentage each week recieves a spin of the 'Attendance Wheel' in our celebration assembly where various whole class rewards can be won. These treats include things such as extra playtimes, milkshake breaks, class bingo and more!


We understand there may be occasions where your child is too unwell to attend school. If this occurs it is important to report their absence, and reason as to why, to the office by 8.30am. This can be done by phone, leaving a message or via emailing

If we have not received advice and explanation of a child's absence by 9.15am we will contact you by text, email and/or phone asking you to contact school to do so.

If we have had no contact by 11.00am we will carry out a safe and well check home visit.


The school day begins as shown:

Nursery 8.35 am
Reception 8.45 am
Year 1 8.40 am
Year 2 8.45 am
Year 3 8.45 am
Year 4 8.40 am
Year 5 8.45 am
Year 6 8.40 am

It is important that your child arrives on time, ready to learn each day. Being late to school can be very upsetting and unsettling. Valuable learning opportunities will also be missed.

Absence and punctuality are closely monitored. Should we have any concerns regarding either we will call or send a letter to inform you and enquire if any support is needed. If, after this, there is no improvement to attendance/punctuality you will be invited into school to a success planning meeting. In this we will discuss together ways to remove and overcome any barriers your child may be facing which is affecting them attending regularly/being punctual.

Following this support should there be no improvement you could be fined and Doncaster Council may become involved in providing support.

Leave of absence request forms are available online and from the office. These should also be completed for any absence due to going on holiday during term time. Doncaster Council guidance is used and you will be informed of the outcome of your request in writing. 

Fixed penalty notices of £80 per parent per child may be issued by the council for any unauthorised leave of absence/term time holidays. 

Attendance is everyone's business and will be supported, alongside parents, by all staff. Should you feel you need any advice or support regarding anything affecting your child's attendance please speak to a member of staff or contact in confidence. 


Get in Touch

Richmond Hill Primary Academy

Melton Road, Sprotbrough, Doncaster, DN57SB

01302 782421


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